The PSSLive software is currently used by Flintshire County Council to inspect the County’s Playgrounds. By adding Findings and Tasks regarding issues within the Sites, Flintshire Council are able to pinpoint areas most in need of works. This allows  the planing of budgets accordingly.

Flintshire is an eclectic mixture of country villages, market towns, beaches, medieval castles and beautiful rolling countryside. It makes up a large part of the north Welsh border and The Clwydian Range is comprised of many ancient forts, which forms an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. Flintshire County Council currently uses PSSLive software to manage over 175 sites across the County and has done for the last15 years. 

The ability to add Photographs to Sites, Assets, Findings and Tasks means that the Council are able to document each and every stage of their maintenance regime, from Finding discovery through to resolution. With all Asset information stored for longer than Lord Woolfe’s 21 years. Flintshire are able to build comprehensive Asset Histories that cover every Inspection, Finding and Task ever recorded. The Council regularly records over 500 inspections per month using PSSLive, making it a vital tool in their Inspection and Asset Management process. 

Over the years a healthy relationship between PSS and Flintshire has developed and we hope to continue to support them in the Inspection and Asset requirement needs for many years to come.